Randomly draw 100 from my 1000+ FB friends, invite them over a cup of coffee and blog about the experience.


Everything that has ART and PERFORMANCE in it. Whether hidden or obviously seen. POETRY and PAINTING... together with RUNNING and MOUNTAIN sight seeing. Travelling in and out of the Philippines as well as youth volunteerism....


The fear of falling always get into the way of reaching the top..

TRAVEL Buddies

With Yshna Benbinuto(

NIKE We Run Manila 2013


05 March 2014

39 Seconds

A poem reaction after reading Og Mandino's The Greatest Success in the World:

"39 seconds"

fail trying
fail trying
fail trying
fail trying
fail trying
fail trying
fail trying
fail trying
fail trying
keep on trying
until FAIL failed to fail you from trying

keep on loving
keep on believing
keep dreaming
keep smiling
keep writing
keep running
keep rowing
keep on climbing until you reach the top
and when done slowly inch your way back

all on in
embracing the up and down
that depression will strike once in a while
but its fine
guided with patience
happiness will come

03 March 2014

Alone and Happy

It's 5:30pm already and I'm hungry. Went straight to the office's pantry area. Found myself eating my merienda bymyself. No one to talk to. No one to share my food.

Nonetheless I didn't feel lonely.

And armed with banana bread and coffee words started to pound so here it goes:

(Last Friday when I woke up the first thing I saw was this play of shadow and light )
I want to be alone

I want to be alone when I’m reading a book

Better if the rain pours outside sipping my hot chocolate by the nook

I want to be alone when I sing

At the top of my lungs where freely I can scream like swimming in words and drowning in emotions

I want to be alone

Savoring the quietness

Savoring the stillness

Savoring the inner dialogues

Conversing with the mind

Debating with my heart

Over a tiny little cup of cappuccino

Figuring the whys of the past

During the solemnity of my presence inside the quite white washed room

I want to be alone but for not too long

I’m afraid

That I might miss the feeling

Of spending the weekends surfing and laughing

I’m afraid staying too long alone

Might make me forget

The happiness and comfort

Of rejoicing with my friends and closeness of a family

We all need time to be alone

But not for too long...