Randomly draw 100 from my 1000+ FB friends, invite them over a cup of coffee and blog about the experience.


Everything that has ART and PERFORMANCE in it. Whether hidden or obviously seen. POETRY and PAINTING... together with RUNNING and MOUNTAIN sight seeing. Travelling in and out of the Philippines as well as youth volunteerism....


The fear of falling always get into the way of reaching the top..

TRAVEL Buddies

With Yshna Benbinuto(

NIKE We Run Manila 2013


11 December 2014

Bookbed GIVEaway December 2014

To join bookbed's give away, click here.

I've been a fan of this site late June this year.
And while surfing the net I stumbled upon their nice book give away contest. This triggered the hoard-free-stuff  hormones so here I am. Best of luck!

Just answer the question “What is the best piece of advice you can give to anybody?”
I'm still a work in progress and to stay true to my goals and stop procrastinating we better just live by the Nike logo:JUST DO IT!

Did a paper cut of DO IT NOW a letter-sign I saw over the net. The Hello Color notebook is my goal tracking device. Every morning I simply list down the 5 things that should be done within the day.
Tip: Everyday I realllllly try hard to write down three things I'm thankful for that happened that day. This keeps me sane when things becomes overwhelming.