Randomly draw 100 from my 1000+ FB friends, invite them over a cup of coffee and blog about the experience.


Everything that has ART and PERFORMANCE in it. Whether hidden or obviously seen. POETRY and PAINTING... together with RUNNING and MOUNTAIN sight seeing. Travelling in and out of the Philippines as well as youth volunteerism....


The fear of falling always get into the way of reaching the top..

TRAVEL Buddies

With Yshna Benbinuto(

NIKE We Run Manila 2013


02 April 2014

DIY: Graham Balls

I tasted one and I can't help but to create my own. Google didn't fail me so I got a recipe in a flash.

So here it goes short and sweet how-to. Enjoy!

1. MY San Crushed graham 250g
2. Alaska Condensed Milk 250ml
3. Big Mallows (it's a pack I bought at Unimart, Greenhills)
4. Alaska Powdered Milk

1. PREPARE all ingredients. Pour contents in separate bowls.
2. MIX crushed grahams and condensed milk.
3. ROLL a spoonful of the mixture into a piece of marshmallow.
4. DIP the rolled graham ball into the powdered milk.


I got wax paper cups and plastic container from Unimart too. And I love the result!

31 March 2014


"What If"

What if today's your last..
Will you read a heartfelt love letter to your crush?

What if today's your last..
Will you tell your parents how much you love them that despite breaking their superimposed rules.. you respect them?

What if today's your last..
Will you just smile the whole day and think of sorrow is very very v e r y far away?

What if today's your last..
Will you make most of the day happy and be a blessing to everybody? Don't start with "but you can't please everyone thingy". You can. Everyone WILL love a kind person. Be Kind. Please be kind. Irritable is not existing in your dictionary.

What if today's your last..
Will you not be genuinely give compliment to the ones you meet?

What if today's your last...
Wouldn't you want to plant a kiss at your love one's cheek?

What if today's your last..
What if..

What if tomorrow you won't wake up.
Will you not say thanks to the Gods in the Heaven up above?

What if?

photo taken from Art in The Park 2014 #artph credit to the owner